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Tinycal series calibrators / simulators

The TINYCAL series instruments offer a dual function: generation/simulation and measurement. The instrument’s keypad allows its configuration for the generation of fixed values, both in engineering and percentage values. The keyboard also allows the generation by jumps as well as the configuration of the jump time between 1 and 9 seconds for each section, for which the instrument is provided with 6 keys to store the configuration values. The simulation from the instrument – T240 and T250 – offers the possibility to configure it to simulate the response of the sensor (Pt100 or type of thermocouple selected).

The measurement function, which is easily selectable by means of the IN/OUT key and whose characteristic is clearly indicated on the instrument display, allows the indication of the value to be measured. The measuring circuit is protected against short-circuits and external voltages up to 30 V, thus ensuring a longer service life of the instrument. The T220 and T225 models of the TINYCAL family are equipped with an integral 24 Vdc power supply, which allows, by means of the appropriate connection, the loop to be powered from the calibrator itself (active mode) or voluntarily to work in passive mode.

All the instruments of the TINYCAL family offer great precision and high resolution, which together with their ease of use, great reliability and ease of transport, due to their reduced weight and dimensions, make these instruments basic standards in the instrumentation workshop.


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  • Measurement/Generation with a single device
  • High accuracy
  • High resolution


  • Calibration of 4-20mA and 0-10V transmitters, Pt100, TC and pH probes
  • Measurement and generation/simulation


  • The measuring circuit is protected against short-circuits and external voltages up to 30V to prevent possible connection or manipulation errors.
  • Rechargeable batteries with long autonomy


Technical features common in the Tinycal series
Operational temperature 0 to 50 ºC
Temperature coefficient 0,003% /ºC
Power supply to loop 24 Vcc (models T220 / T225)
Rechargeable batteries NiMH
Runtime 16 hours
Power supply to batteries charger 230 V 50 Hz
Display LCD, 41/2 digits, 10 mm high
Dimensions 83 x 152 x 33 mm
Weight 240 to 300 gr.
Generation Manual or automatic
Step time Programmable between 1 and 9 seconds
Label EC
Warranty 2 years
Signal 4-20 mA
Range 0-24 mA
Input impedance 10 Ω
Accuracy at 23ºC ± 3ºC ± 0,015% FS
Uncertainty 1 year ± 0,025% FS
Resolution 0,001/0,01 mA
Function Active or passive measurement and generation selectable by connection
Runtime 150 hr measuring; 11 hr generating 20 mA with internal supply
Signal 10 – 50 mA
Range 0 – 51 mA
Signal 0-10 V cc
Range 0-12,000 V
Input impedance >1 M Ω
Accuracy at 23ºC ± 3ºC ± 0,015% FS
Uncertainty 1 year ± 0,025% FS
Resolution 0,001 V
Function Measurement and generation
Signal Resistencia and Pt100 (as per IEC 751)
Simulation range 80 to 390 Ohms (-50 to 850 ºC) (simulation current is 0,1 a 2 mA)
Simulation response 2 mS (accepts pulsating transmitters/indicators)
Accuracy at 23ºC ± 3ºC -50 to 150 ºC: 0.1 ºC (up to 850 ºC:0.2 ºC)
Uncertainty 1 year -50 to 150 ºC: 0.2 ºC (up to 850 ºC: 0.4 ºC)
Measurement range 20 to 320 Ohms (-220 to 600 ºC) (current applied 1mA aprox.)
Input impedance >10 M Ω
Accuracy at 23ºC ± 3ºC -220 to 150 ºC: 0.1 ºC (± 1 count); up to 600 ºC: 0.2 ºC (± 1 count)
Uncertainty 1 year 220 to 150 ºC: 0.2 ºC (± 1 count); up to 600 ºC: 0.4 ºC (± 1 count)
Resolution 0.1 Ohm or 0.1 ºC/0.2 ºC
Function Measurement and generation/simulation
Signal Thermocouple
Type E, J, K, R, S, T (as per IEC 584-1)
Range -15.00 to 75.00 mV and equivalence in ºC depending on thermocouple:

  • Thermocouple E: 0ºC to 800ºC
  • Thermocouple J: -180ºC to 750ºC
  • Thermocouple K: -150ºC to 1350ºC
  • Thermocouple R: -50ºC to 1700ºC
  • Thermocouple S: -50ºC to 1700ºC
  • Thermocouple T: -250ºC to 400ºC
Input impedance > 10 MΩ
Accuracy at 23ºC ± 3ºC ± 0,025% FS
Uncertainty 1 year ± 0,05% FS
Resolution 0,01 mV and 1ºC
Function Measurement and generation/Simulation
Cold joint compensation Internal or manual from 0 to 50ºC
Signal pH
Ranges -450 to +450 mV; 0,00 to 14,00 pH
Input impedance > 1000 GΩ
Accuracy at 23ºC ± 3ºC ± 0,025% FS
Uncertainty 1 year ± 0,05% FS
Includes Input impedance check function appropriate for the pH measurement devices
Resolution 0,01 mV and 1ºC
Function Measurement and generation/simulation

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