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New T310 digital pressure gauge with excellent features


The T310 digital pressure gauge belongs to the renewed Tinycal series designed and manufactured by Gometrics.

It is a portable instrument designed to perform both the tasks of a pressure gauge and a milliammeter at the touch of a key. This feature allows you to calibrate your electronic pressure equipment – transmitters, converters, etc. – using a single instrument.


The new T310 offers the following advantages:

  • Largebacklit display
  • Accuracy of 0.05 % FS with 5.5-digit resolution
  • Largest selection of engineering units: 32
  • Data acquisition – datalogger
  • Detection of leaks in the circuit – leak test

This device also comes with a three-year warranty and a calibration certificate issued by our ENAC-accredited laboratory.



For more information on the new T310, see the product page on our website.


We experience calibration



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