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New mass calibration service on site and in the laboratory


Gometrics has a new area for calibration of balances, scales and standard masses in its laboratory. Although this area of our laboratory is still in the process of accreditation, it is already in operation and we can provide the calibration service with ENAC certified standards.

The laboratory is equipped with granite anti-vibration tables, high precision mass comparators and E2 type standard masses. Thanks to this state-of-the-art equipment, we can now offer a complete mass calibration service.

The instruments that we can calibrate in our laboratory are the following:

Class F1, F2, M1, M2, M3 masses according to OIML R 111-1, from 1 mg to 500 g. We use high precision mass comparators to guarantee the class of each mass we calibrate.

Non-automatic weighing instruments of class I, II, III, IIII, such as balances, microbalances, hoppers, precision scales, tanks, silos, hooks, reactors according to UNE-EN 4550, from 1 mg to 3 kg. We performed five calibration points to determine linearity, two calibration points to determine repeatability and one point to determine eccentricity.

Automatic weighing instruments such as dynamic scales, checkweighers according to OIML R 51, continuous totalizers according to OIML R 50 and automatic gravimetric filling instruments according to OIML R 61, from 1 mg to 3 kg. We perform the calibration according to the programming of the customer’s scale and at the determined working speeds.

Our technicians can also go to your facilities to calibrate the following equipment:

– Non-automatic weighing instruments of class I, II, III, IIII, such as scales, microbalances, hoppers. precision scales, tanks, silos, hooks, reactors according to UNE-EN 4550 from 1 mg to 3 kg. We performe five calibration points to determine linearity, two calibration points to determine repeatability and one point to determine eccentricity.

– Automatic weighing instruments such as dynamic scales, checkweighers according to OIML R 51, continuous totalizers according to OIML R 50 and automatic gravimetric filling instruments according to OIML R 61 from 1 mg to 3 kg. We carry out the calibration according to the programming of the customer’s scale and at the determined working speeds.

In addition to performing on-site calibration, we can adjust your equipment if it is out of calibration.

The main sector to which we provide this type of service is the pharmaceutical industry , but we also work for the food, fine chemicals, automotive, components, laboratory and testing industries , among others.

Do not hesitate to send us the following form indicating the instruments and standards to be calibrated. Our technical-sales team will contact you to manage the service and provide you with a quotation.



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