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Industrial gases calibration laboratory

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Liquid flow laboratory, also on site

Maintaining the correct functioning of a plant’s measuring instruments is essential to ensure process safety and quality of the final product. The key factor in achieving this is proper calibration. Gometrics is constantly working to achieve excellent quality standards and to be able to offer the best calibration services to its customers in different industry sectors such as pharmaceutical, chemical, food, energy, automotive and others.

Our flow calibration laboratory offers a wide working range and can adjust all types of flowmeters, up to DN100 and 100,000 tons/h.

We can provide these calibration services either in our laboratories or at the customer’s premises. In order to guarantee high standard results, Gometrics performs all its work under ISO 9001:2015 quality standards and follows the appropriate internal working procedures.

Calibration services offered by our laboratory:

  • Calibration of flowmeters at our laboratory
  • On-site intervention for calibration and maintenance of flowmeters
  • Urgent calibration service in less than 48 hours
  • Advice for preventive maintenance
  • Adjustment of the instrument whenever possible
  • Reminder of upcoming calibrations or overdue calibrations
  • Access to your certificates through an online web application

Working range:

  • Nominal diameter: DN0.6 to DN100
  • Up to 100,000 Kg/h
  • Uncertainty of 0.1 %.

Types of flowmeters that we can calibrate:

  • Masics
  • Electromagnetic
  • Vortex
  • Ultrasonic
  • Rotameters
  • Differential pressure flowmeters
  • Parshall Channels

Request for information

    En cumplimiento de la LOPD 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre, le informamos que sus datos podrían pasar a formar parte de un fichero propiedad de la empresa Gometrics S.L. Usted tiene derecho de acceso, rectificación, oposición y cancelación que puede ejercer mediante escrito a la dirección anteriormente indicada. Por la presente autoriza expresamente a la compañía a que le remita información sobre sus servicios a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada en el formulario. La información ofrecida en esta página web es meramente orientativa y no es, en ningún caso, vinculante.