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Expansion of ENAC laboratory calibration capacity

Laboratorio ENAC

Improvement of the measurement and calibration capacity of our ENAC laboratory.


It is official: we have been notified by the Spanish National Accreditation Body ENAC of a very important extension in the measurement and calibration capacity (CMC) of our accredited laboratory.

This is the result of the work that Gometrics has been doing on its equipment, which allows us to increase the range while reducing the CMC to achieve the lowest possible uncertainty for calibrations.

The new features to be highlighted are:

  • Relative humidity: improvement of the CMC in relative humidity, we can calibrate equipment between 10 %hr and 95 %hr with a CMC of 1 % to 2.1 %hr, in addition we can calibrate the humidity at temperatures between 20 ºC and 60 ºC.
  • Air temperature: we extend the range from -30 ºC to 90 ºC.
  • Immersion temperature: we improved the CMC so to calibrate digital thermometers and resistance thermometers between -90 ºC and 250 ºC with a CMC of 0.05 ºC and from 250 ºC to 550 ºC with a CMC of 0.45ºC.
  • Pneumatic relative pressure: we improve the CMC in the field from -50 kPa to 50 kPa 2.8 – 10-⁴ – | P |

Thanks to this new scope, we are able to better serve our customers with their calibration needs. We are very satisfied with these improvements in our laboratory.

You can check and download the technical annex both in the ENAC portal and in the Gometrics website in the following link: Gometrics certifications.


We experience calibration


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