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CEMIC certifies the standard gas mixer MGP-1 Gometrics

CEMIC Center d’Enginyeria de Microsistemes per a Instrumentació, dedicated to orienting R & D activities covering present and future needs, increasing the innovation needs of companies. With the aim of researching new principles and properties of materials for microsystems, new ways of manufacturing and packaging, as well as new applications in microinstrumentation and process control.

In this way, our MGP-1 Standard Gas Mixer, designed to facilitate the calibration of gas analyzers, verifying their linearity at various points from a single standard gas bottle and an inert gas bottle that acts as a diluent has Been approved by CEMIC. Thus the center, as a department of the University of Barcelona has carried out a detailed study of the benefits of the MGP1, issuing a very favorable report and granting the homologation thereof. A team based on the innovative method called “binary flow combination”. Uses 4 mass flow meters controlling-measuring at a single flow rate, always 100%. Guaranteeing a precision of 4 to 5 times better when avoiding the use of the meter of flow in the bottom of its range.


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    En cumplimiento de la LOPD 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre, le informamos que sus datos podrían pasar a formar parte de un fichero propiedad de la empresa Gometrics S.L. Usted tiene derecho de acceso, rectificación, oposición y cancelación que puede ejercer mediante escrito a la dirección anteriormente indicada. Por la presente autoriza expresamente a la compañía a que le remita información sobre sus servicios a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada en el formulario. La información ofrecida en esta página web es meramente orientativa y no es, en ningún caso, vinculante.